


Cold Citrus Radio
Musical randomness from the North Sea coast...

CCR 21: Tracklist
23rd May 2007
Starts very C86, ends hot and baggy, pausing along the way for some African Dope, some Purple Skunk and more bad language that Pete and Dud would be proud of...

Cut Me Deep - The Jasmine Minks
Fraud In The 80's - Mates of State (Download)
Night At the Knight School - Thee More Shallows (Download)
Clarence G - Cowsponge (Download)
If It Could Talk It Wouldn't Say Anything - Text Adventure (Download)
Hookers - Marcus Wormstorm (Download)
Brainstorm - The Scratch (Download)
The Best Tape In The World - Horsebox (Download)
Spanish Incidence - Purple Skunk (Download)
Heavy Boots - Cold War Kids (Download)
You're Pitiful - Weird Al Yankovik (Download)
Gotta Go - Victor Scott (Download)
Paul The Badger - PaynDisplay (Download)
Official Heat - The Orch

Approx time: 60 minutes

